78 short films submitted for Kimuak 2018

78 short films submitted for Kimuak 2018


The selection will be announced on June 12

The deadline for the 2018 edition of Kimuak closed last Friday May 25 with a total of 78 short films received.

The members of this year's independent selection committee are:

  • Carlos Plaza: Cinema Unit technician at Donostia Kultura.
  • Iván Miñambres: CEO at UniKo production company.
  • Jorge Rivero: Filmmaker, Coordinator of Cortometrajes Laboral Cinemateca program from Asturias, film critic at Cortosfera magazine and programmer at Gijón and Aguilar de Campoo film festivals.
  • Lorena Martín: Technician in charge of Canarias en Corto program.
  • Ruth Pérez de Anucita: Head of Communication at the San Sebastian International Film Festival and member of its Management Committee.

The selection will be announced on Tuesday, June 12.