54 short films submitted for Kimuak 2015

54 short films submitted for Kimuak 2015


The selection will be announced on June 8

The deadline for the 2015 edition of Kimuak closed last Friday May 29 with a total of 54 applications received.

The members of this year's independent selection committee are:

  • Amaia Serrulla, Member of the San Sebastian Film Festival Selection Committee and Coordinator of the International Film School Meeting.
  • Luisma González, Director of ALCINE - Alcalá de Henares Film Festival.
  • Mari Fran Machín, Education and Activities Coordinator of ARTIUM, Basque Centre-Museum of Contemporary Art.
  • Marina Díaz, Cinema and Audiovisual Technician at the Cervantes Institute.
  • Rosa Zufía, journalist and Director of EITB Kultura-Transit TV programme.

The selection will be announced on Monday, June 8.