Kimuak 2020 call for entries postponed

Kimuak 2020 call for entries postponed


Delay is subject to quarantine

Given the uncertainty and complications derived from the situation caused by the Covid-19 crisis, the institutions behind KIMUAK (Basque Government's Department of Culture, Etxepare Euskal Institutua-Instituto Vasco Etxepare and Euskadiko Filmategia-Filmoteca Vasca), have decided to postpone the selection process for this promotion and distribution program of Basque short films.

The current confinement forces us to delay the opening of the call for entries, although we are working so that this delay is as short as possible and does not affect the subsequent trajectory of the shorts produced in 2020.

We are continuously in contact with different agents in the Basque audiovisual industry and we hope to be able to offer more detailed information in the coming weeks.

We will clarify any questions about this process in the usual channels.