Selected the short films 2014

Selected the short films 2014


Seven works will form the new catalogue

Seven short films have been selected for the 2014 catalogue of Kimuak. The jury, comprised by Maialen Beloki, Josemi Beltran, Ismael Martín, Edurne Ormazabal and Jorge Sanz, has unanimously resolved the selection.

The new catalogue consists of ANÓMALO by Aitor Gutiérrez, A SERIOUS COMEDY by Lander Camarero, DON MIGUEL by Kote Camacho, HUBERT LE BLON-EN AZKEN HEGALDIA by Koldo Almandoz, the collective project SAILOR'S GRAVE, SOROA by Asier Altuna and ZARAUTZEN EROSI ZUEN by Aitor Arregi.